I am a huge nerd so…
I do a lot of learning.
one of the most difficult parts of medical school for me was memorizing large amounts of information that wasn’t quite relevant at the time. That’s Where flashcards come in.
anki is an flashcard app that shows you a flashcard just as you’re about to forget that card.
This cuts the amount of time you spend studying stuff you know, and pushes you to spend time learning material you don’t.
this gives you back time:
- by worrying less about what to study
- by worrying less about when to study
- having, flashcards where you have your phone, ipad, or computer
- being able to study when and where you have time
- make use of down time while waiting in line for barbers, the dmv
- waste less time studying stuff you already know
i’ve used this app to make over 20,000 cards and:
- pass american board of internal medicine
- pass the national board of echocardiography
- Pass the certification board of nuclear cardiology
- brush up french
- learn world geography (can you point out bolivia on a blank map?)
- learn cognitive biases to help me think clearly
- relearn multiplication tables that i was never good at
the link below is for the deck that I made to pass the American board of internal medicine exam. enjoy.
if knowledge is power, learning is a superpower - jim kwik
Number of Cards: 5811